Friday, 31 August 2012

The OVL Project ~ Day 23

What are you putting out there?

This is one of those expressions I use often (much to the chagrin of my family and friends).

Of course, they put it right back at me when I comment on things in an unflattering or negative way. 

In each moment we have a choice about how we choose to respond in any given situation. Sometimes

it's as easy as going on a word diet. Remove negative words from your vocabulary like no, don't, loser,  

stupid or yucky;)  Be easy on yourself. Start slowly by choosing one word at a time. Each time #@! 

pops out of your mouth, change it to a more positive word. 

Also, catch yourself if you are commiserating, gossipping or grumpy. You can only change yourself in 

the present moment. Make a different choice. Choose not to participate, redirect the conversation or

 smile. Ask yourself: "How do I wish to respond?" And go there.  Now!

It's as easy as flipping a switch. It does take some practise but the rewards are worth it.

                1.Jump into the pit  2. Say nothing or walk away  3. Look for the good and verbalize it

I believe that what you focus upon expands. If you choose to focus upon the negative, you get more 

negative. Conversely, if you choose to focus on the good, you will get more  good. Choose wisely.

So, what are you putting out there?

I'm sending you good vibes...



Mariana said...

After few meetings with you, my confidence got better. The more i chose to think of positive aspects around me, acknowledge them and being thankful, best things started happen. I got more interviews opportunities with a result of second interview chances. Believing in myself shows at interviews.
For that I am thankful to you. Your coaching definitely had an impact on myself.