It's All About Connection.
I had an awesome day today. It didn't start out that way. My daughter's cats are visiting for another 2+ weeks and they came into our room meowing at 3:30am and woke me up. I was not able to get back to sleep until past 5:30am. So I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I realise that I chose that mood. I was seeing the world from grey coloured glasses. I was not connected to the present.
I had a number of coaching clients today so I needed to change my set point and fast. Thankfully, I have wonderful clients that I adore. They really want to feel better about where they are in their lives and move forward with courage and determination. If I told you anything more, I'd have to kill you;) We enjoy a beautiful win-win relationship. You can choose to have those anywhere in your life.
Today, notice what is right in your world. Connect to what you know is possible for those you come into contact with and your connections will take on a deeper meaning.
May you enjoy your wonder-full world today.
In gratitude for you, the one and only you!
Thank you Francine. You have a knack for writing just what I need to read every morning. Thanks for reminding me that the good life is not just for the chosen few, but for those who choose it!
Big hug, Nicole
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