Saturday, 25 August 2012

The OVL Project - Day 17

Tommy Hunter Here I Come

I was sitting on the front porch tonight with my aunt Betty, my

 cousin Brenda, my uncle Leo, my son Joel and his girlfriend 

Katie. We were having a lovely time, so were the 

 mosquitoes. Aunt Betty was telling us about her and Brenda's 

trip to London Ontario to see Tommy Hunter at his last concert. 

She has been his #1 fan for over 50 years. I have seen her 

scrapbooks so I can attest to her dedication from a young age.

Because of her life long enjoyment of his music, his manager 

insisted that she attend his last concert all expenses paid along 

with a number of other #1 Fans from across the country. How 

awesome is that?! My aunt Betty is still pinching herself. This 

is what happens when you put your whole self into something you 

love and enjoy.

Where would you be if you had such gratitude and appreciation for

 something that brought you such tremendous joy and pleasure?

Imagine the possibilities!
