Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The OVL Project-Day 6

 Focus on Your Desire

 Setting an intention for what you desire the next experience or interaction will be helps to bring you into the present moment.  You can then focus your energy on what  you want now, not on what past experiences have delivered.

Using your gratitude journal to be appreciative of the people and things in your universe helps you to become aware of those experiences. When you notice something you like, take a mental note of it, send yourself a text,  later you can write it down in your journal. What you focus upon expands.

 Sometimes it is the absence of something in your life that makes you take notice. When my son Joel and I visited Peru last summer, clean drinking water was what we focused upon. We were told by our guides not to drink the water and to be wary of anything that might contain water. On the day before we were to depart for our 4 day climb up The Inca Trail, Joel got terribly ill. We surmised that it came from our visit deep in the Amazon where Joel brushed his teeth with the tap water at the open air lodge. I thought we should just be grateful for the mosquito nettings!

 A caring doctor came to our hotel and prescribed some antibiotics. My sweet son kept apologising that  he had ruined our trip. I told him not to worry and that we would see how he felt in the morning. I also quietly focused on our climb up The Inca Trail.  I was grateful for doctors who make hotel calls, bottled water and medication. In the morning, Joel felt up to taking the trip. Day 1 was lots of crackers and bottled water but by Day 2 he was eating with the group and passing me on the trail. We had an amazing trip. We have since been most grateful for clean water and spectacular scenery.

 What are you grateful for today that you may be taking for granted?

Have a healthy happy day!
