Friday, 17 August 2012

The OVL Project - Day 9

You Can't Get if You Don't Ask

This powerful quote comes from my friend Amy. People simply think 

that others should simply read their minds. The last time I 

checked the mind reading APP was still under construction;) The 

other erroneously held belief is that you should just "suck it 

up" and "it" will go away. Again, this couldn't be further from 

the truth. When you want something, ask for it. If you want 

someone to help you, ask for help. If you need help, ask, ask,

ask until the right person steps up and helps.

Here is my sweet special son Scott in his Nights in White Flannel

pjs that I asked for: pockets and extra tight buttons-Just Right!

As you may be aware from my last couple of blogs, my Dad is in 

the hospital. It turns out that he has angina. He thought that by

first not mentioning it to my mother, she wouldn't be concerned

 and it would just go away. Second error came when he also never

 mentioned chest pains to his doctor...until now. With the right 

interventions, this is a manageable condition.

 Knowing and being able to do something for another human being

 is a beautiful gift. Don't rob another of the connection they

 seek. By being open, honest and heartfelt, you make the world a

better place.

After all, we are all connected in OVL.

Still, you can't get if you don't ask!

Try this one on for size and let me know how it worked for you,
