What are you putting out there?
This is one of those expressions I use often (much to the chagrin of my family and friends).
Of course, they put it right back at me when I comment on things in an unflattering or negative way.
In each moment we have a choice about how we choose to respond in any given situation. Sometimes
it's as easy as going on a word diet. Remove negative words from your vocabulary like no, don't, loser,
stupid or yucky;) Be easy on yourself. Start slowly by choosing one word at a time. Each time #@!
pops out of your mouth, change it to a more positive word.
Also, catch yourself if you are commiserating, gossipping or grumpy. You can only change yourself in
the present moment. Make a different choice. Choose not to participate, redirect the conversation or
smile. Ask yourself: "How do I wish to respond?" And go there. Now!
It's as easy as flipping a switch. It does take some practise but the rewards are worth it.
Friday, 31 August 2012
The OVL Project ~ Day 23
Posted by Francine Landry at 11:47 1 comments
Thursday, 30 August 2012
The OVL Project ~ Day 22
Be Open To Your Joy
In my last post I talked about how sometimes people choose to be
unhappy because they are stuck in traffic. Today, I was stuck in
traffic. Go figure! I was listening to the radio and enjoying the
music. It was a glorious day. I was feeling particularly grateful.
A new song came on the radio by one of my favourite artists-
Van The Man- Van Morrison. "Open The Door" is a sweet soulful song
about opening the door to your heart to see and let in the beauty
that surrounds you. It is found in the song on the radio, the bird
that just flew by or the smile from a stranger.
That is just how I felt. Allowing myself to feel the joy in my
heart through that beautiful music. What brings you joy?
Will you open the door, let it in and feel it?
My heart is open for you.
Posted by Francine Landry at 20:32 0 comments
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
The OVL Project ~ Day 21
"Make It a Great Day!"-Candice
Choices, choices, choices...
We are bombarded by them all day long yet we often hear people
saying: "I didn't have a choice". "I'm in a bad mood because there
was traffic, the weather is awful, my alarm didn't go off or the
kids are sick." You always have a choice as to how you choose to
feel in any given moment. Happiness and contentment are an inside
job. When your choices include gratitude and appreciation for
whatever comes your way, it is easy to see the gift in a situation.
Thank you Candice for giving me today's title.
In appreciation,
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:44 0 comments
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
The OVL Project ~ Day 20
Help is on It's Way
Today take notice of all of the people who make your life better. Be
aware of them, appreciate them whole heartily and see the effect
your expression of gratitude has on them.
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
-Leo Buscaglia
At this moment, I am feeling gratitude for my internet provider.
and of course, for you!
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:58 1 comments
Monday, 27 August 2012
The OVL Project ~ Day 19
Change is something you do
I often use the phrase: "Love is an action word."
I could just as well substitute the word "change" for "love".
I keep this quote posted by my desk for inspiration:
"You will never change your life
until you change something you do daily.
The secret to your success is found in your daily routine."
-John C. Maxwell
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:28 0 comments
Sunday, 26 August 2012
The OVL Project -Day 18
Winking at The Moon
Flying high above Toronto, I saw the moon peeking in through the
plane window. It reminded me of Neil Armstrong, the first man to
walk on the moon, who just passed away.
His family's statement was so beautiful: "The next time you walk
outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think
of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."
Just as Neil Armstrong sent out waves of wonder and possibility to a
generation, so too does your participation in The OVL Project send
out waves of love and kindness throughout the world.
Just envision the Universe smiling down upon you.
Posted by Francine Landry at 20:59 0 comments
Saturday, 25 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 17
Tommy Hunter Here I Come
I was sitting on the front porch tonight with my aunt Betty, my
cousin Brenda, my uncle Leo, my son Joel and his girlfriend
Katie. We were having a lovely time, so were the
mosquitoes. Aunt Betty was telling us about her and Brenda's
trip to London Ontario to see Tommy Hunter at his last concert.
She has been his #1 fan for over 50 years. I have seen her
scrapbooks so I can attest to her dedication from a young age.
Posted by Francine Landry at 18:19 0 comments
Friday, 24 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 16
The Power of Stick-to-it-ness
Okay, so it's not a word but I bet you get my meaning.
Thinking about and writing your five daily gratitudes in your
journal as well as your daily thank you card takes effort and
persistence. For me, so does writing this blog. But when I am
done each part of my commitment, I feel satisfied and empowered.
I set out to accomplish something and I did it! Too often we let
ourselves off too easily. We say we are going to do something
and we get distracted, we forget, we get too tired... There are
a multitude of excuses available. Whatever happened to the good
ol'days of sticking to your word? Meaning what you say and
saying what you mean. Following through to the end, no matter
what? This is how thoughts turn into action and action makes you
a creator.You say something and it happens. You trust yourself,
you believe in yourself and in turn, so do others.
This morning I decided to go pick some wild blueberries behind my
parents house in the country. I announced my departure with my
large plastic container in hand and after turning back for
mosquito repellent after the first 5 minutes, I was headed out
into the backwoods to fetch me a pail o' berries. I found a small
patch of blueberries and started picking and picking and
picking. Wild blueberries are particularly small and I was hardly
making a dent in the container. I started looking for new berry
patches. Time passed. I changed my stance: I knelt on the mossy
ground, sat, squatted and bent over from a standing position. I
became one with the patch and got into the flow of picking. All I
could hear was the wind blowing in the trees and the bees
buzzing about around me. My bucket was full(the blackberries
were a bonus passing bush).
I walked back with great pride not having realised that two
hours had gone by. I thought about doing it, I said I was going
to do it and I did it!
I created a full bucket of blueberries where before there were
none. The OVL Project is much like that - you are filling your
own bucket as well as others by your daily ritual of picking
love and gratitude, one small deposit at a time. Before long,
your bucket overfloweth.
Posted by Francine Landry at 18:57 0 comments
Thursday, 23 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 15
The Gift of my Son, my Brother, my Father
My son Joel tells me that the gift of this trip to New Brunswick
is french, family and kids, not necessarily in that order. He has
come here a number of times always practicing his french and
enjoying lobster and crab thanks to his grandmother. But the
greatest gift is being a part of the family. He gets to
experience a true French Canadian close knit family:
grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts and little children.
My brother is rather stoic telling me that coming here at the
drop of a hat to help out his parents is just "what you do". Of
course, before he leaves for home tomorrow, he has consulted
with the nurses and doctors, organized our father's medication,
changed the water pump filter, washed the car and cleaned up my
mom's computer as well as downloaded some APPS that that she may
find useful. He is also grateful for his wife who is holding
down the farm, caring for all of their horses on her own. As I
write, he is across the road, sharing some downtime, playing
guitar with my Uncle Don.
My father answers my question as he chokes up, his voice barely
audible: "My family loves me, if they would do all of this for
me, just think what they will do for your Mom. I am so lucky. It
has changed me."
The gift for me is watching the beauty of it all.
Posted by Francine Landry at 17:53 0 comments
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 14
All You Need is Love
As my father has been in the hospital this past week, I have been
visualizing him back home and healthy. My son Joel, his
girlfriend Katie and I were on our way to New Brunswick tonight
planning to stay overnight in Bathurst, NB. In the morning, we
were going to visit my Dad at the hospital. During our 1 1/2
hour layover in Montreal, I checked my phone messages. My mother
had left a message to say that my Dad had been sent home tonight
and that my brother Denis would pick us up. What a surprise!
Posted by Francine Landry at 20:37 0 comments
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 13
Twist and Shout
Our friends invited us out to see a production of Backbeat, the birth of The Beatles at The Royal
Alex Theatre. It tells the back story of how The Beatles started out. It was a rockin' show. What I
realised was that everything has a back story. By writing in your journal the reasons why you are
grateful for someone or something and how it makes you feel, allows you to tap into your
back story. It enhances the feeling of love and appreciation, bringing those emotions into the forefront.
Posted by Francine Landry at 21:19 0 comments
Monday, 20 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 12
More Than Half Way There
Congratulations! You are now more than half way through The OVL
Project. As you develop this powerful daily habit of heartfelt
gratitude you may be noticing more and more things to be grateful
for. Your focus turns into a kaleidoscope of beauty and
appreciation, growing with each passing day.
Today, I wrote down in my journal how much I appreciated my
husband's efforts in getting us to set up a weekly budget.
For years I have resisted doing this kind of work but now I am
actually embracing it. Coming from a place of appreciation for
how we choose to spend our money has made me realise that we
can actually increase our net worth. As you can see my money tree
is growing!
Don't you just love adopting a new perspective?
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:59 0 comments
Sunday, 19 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 11
Getting Back to Your Set Point
Do you recall that I believe that our set point is love, joy and
acceptance? Are you feeling closer to that place or further away?
I came across this quote yesterday on the main Street in small
town America: "To have change, you must be change."
What do you have to release and what do you have to embrace to
get closer to your desired state?
Write it down in your journal and commit to it. Visualise it.
It's your choice.
Be it.
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:31 0 comments
Saturday, 18 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 10
Can Gratitude Become Your New Morning Ritual?
As you begin your day, are you feeling grateful or are you feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps
starting off your day being grateful for the things in your life can help you get out of your
head and into your heart. Not only can it change your morning perspective but it can make
you more aware of what you are choosing to focus on throughout your day.
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:39 0 comments
Friday, 17 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 9
You Can't Get if You Don't Ask
This powerful quote comes from my friend Amy. People simply think
that others should simply read their minds. The last time I
checked the mind reading APP was still under construction;) The
other erroneously held belief is that you should just "suck it
up" and "it" will go away. Again, this couldn't be further from
the truth. When you want something, ask for it. If you want
someone to help you, ask for help. If you need help, ask, ask,
ask until the right person steps up and helps.
As you may be aware from my last couple of blogs, my Dad is in
the hospital. It turns out that he has angina. He thought that by
first not mentioning it to my mother, she wouldn't be concerned
and it would just go away. Second error came when he also never
mentioned chest pains to his doctor...until now. With the right
interventions, this is a manageable condition.
Knowing and being able to do something for another human being
is a beautiful gift. Don't rob another of the connection they
seek. By being open, honest and heartfelt, you make the world a
better place.
After all, we are all connected in OVL.
Still, you can't get if you don't ask!
Try this one on for size and let me know how it worked for you,
Posted by Francine Landry at 18:24 0 comments
Thursday, 16 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 8
Gratitude Multiplies Good Feelings
The first thing that I wrote in my journal today was the gratitude I felt for medical professionals, medical interventions and good hospitals. My Dad has been receiving great care at the hospital and he is in good spirits. They have been running tests to determine the cause of his troubles.
How wonderful that we have publicly funded medical care and that there is a team of professionals waiting to help you when you need it most.
When was the last time you thanked someone in the medical profession for their help and expertise? They work tirelessly to bring good health and wellness to their patients. Think of nurses, doctors and lab technicians all on the hunt for the cause of what ails you. Think of them as angels in the wings ready to swoop in when the need arises.
Here is one of my faves nurse Jan receiving her Masters Degree while working full time and being there for her kids!
We are so blessed to have them in our lives.
I am forever grateful.
Posted by Francine Landry at 15:03 0 comments
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 7
Be Grateful for Your Family
Next week I am planning to visit my parents in New Brunswick.
We will surely be enjoying some "down east" hospitality.
This afternoon I received a call from my sister telling me that our father had just been admitted into the hospital. This news is always unexpected and disconcerting. My Dad hates dealing with his health. I imagine that he must truly not be feeling well to agree to go to the hospital. I am sending him lots of love and healing.
This is our last family trip to N.B. for the Acadian Francophonie Reunion in 2009. We had a fabulous time. I am looking forward to spending some fun times with my parents again soon.
Is there a family member you would like to send a card to? Today could be that day. I know that today is that day for me.
Enjoy your family,
Posted by Francine Landry at 18:28 0 comments
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
The OVL Project-Day 6
Focus on Your Desire
Setting an intention for what you desire the next experience or interaction will be helps to bring you into the present moment. You can then focus your energy on what you want now, not on what past experiences have delivered.
Using your gratitude journal to be appreciative of the people and things in your universe helps you to become aware of those experiences. When you notice something you like, take a mental note of it, send yourself a text, later you can write it down in your journal. What you focus upon expands.
Sometimes it is the absence of something in your life that makes you take notice. When my son Joel and I visited Peru last summer, clean drinking water was what we focused upon. We were told by our guides not to drink the water and to be wary of anything that might contain water. On the day before we were to depart for our 4 day climb up The Inca Trail, Joel got terribly ill. We surmised that it came from our visit deep in the Amazon where Joel brushed his teeth with the tap water at the open air lodge. I thought we should just be grateful for the mosquito nettings!
A caring doctor came to our hotel and prescribed some antibiotics. My sweet son kept apologising that he had ruined our trip. I told him not to worry and that we would see how he felt in the morning. I also quietly focused on our climb up The Inca Trail. I was grateful for doctors who make hotel calls, bottled water and medication. In the morning, Joel felt up to taking the trip. Day 1 was lots of crackers and bottled water but by Day 2 he was eating with the group and passing me on the trail. We had an amazing trip. We have since been most grateful for clean water and spectacular scenery.
What are you grateful for today that you may be taking for granted?
Have a healthy happy day!
Posted by Francine Landry at 14:25 0 comments
Monday, 13 August 2012
The OVL Project- Day 5
It's All About Connection.
I had an awesome day today. It didn't start out that way. My daughter's cats are visiting for another 2+ weeks and they came into our room meowing at 3:30am and woke me up. I was not able to get back to sleep until past 5:30am. So I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I realise that I chose that mood. I was seeing the world from grey coloured glasses. I was not connected to the present.
I had a number of coaching clients today so I needed to change my set point and fast. Thankfully, I have wonderful clients that I adore. They really want to feel better about where they are in their lives and move forward with courage and determination. If I told you anything more, I'd have to kill you;) We enjoy a beautiful win-win relationship. You can choose to have those anywhere in your life.
Today, notice what is right in your world. Connect to what you know is possible for those you come into contact with and your connections will take on a deeper meaning.
May you enjoy your wonder-full world today.
In gratitude for you, the one and only you!
Posted by Francine Landry at 15:13 1 comments
Sunday, 12 August 2012
The OVL Project- Day 4
Posted by Francine Landry at 08:32 1 comments
Saturday, 11 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 3
"We can do more than lead, we can inspire."
I just finished watching The King's Speech with Colin Firth.
It is a truly amazing movie. It tells the story of King George VI and how he overcame his
stuttering with the help of a Speech Therapist and commoner Lionel Logue. He became a help as well as a friend to The King.
In 1998 I began a Life Coaching Goal Group which one year later became known as
"The Goal Group". These women, Jane, Janet, Ursula and I have been meeting on a regular basis for the last 13 years. Having this support in my life has been such an amazing gift.
Taking this initiative to bring like minded women together has changed all of our lives for the better. Today, I will be sending them a card.
The OVL Project is much like this group yet it's reach is much greater. You can affectuate change by focusing on what you are grateful for in your life. Your daily Thank You card sends gratitude out in the world to a different person for 21 days. How empowering is that?!
May your connections continue to bear fruit.
In appreciation of your new daily practice,
With Love,
Posted by Francine Landry at 19:00 0 comments
Friday, 10 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 2
I truly enjoyed my time this morning writing in my Gratitude Journal.
It was quiet in the house and darker than usual as a storm brewed outside my window. The wind was blowing fiercely and I could hear the waves from the lake crashing against the pier. However, inside I knew that I was warm and safe and loved. I thought of the rock I found on the beach a while ago. It reminds me that I always have a choice about how I choose to feel.
I knew I was choosing to feel good in this moment and come from a loving place.
It is choosing from a fearful place.
Sometimes, it is fear of the unknown. It is the storm outside your window. It will not deter you if you are committed to allowing it to flow through you.
It is only an emotion=Energy in Motion.
Stepping into new territory is a little scary at first but it is worth the effort. You learn that you can do new things and it won't kill you- There's something to be grateful for!
Notice how you are feeling throughout the day and ask yourself: What am I choosing to feel in this moment? What else is possible?
Here's to being aware of your choices!
In gratitude for you,
Posted by Francine Landry at 11:06 1 comments
Thursday, 9 August 2012
The OVL Project - Day 1
Today is my inaugural post for The OVL Project: Day 1
I am so excited to share with you the reason I started The OVL Project. I believe that the natural set point for people is love, joy and acceptance. OVL stands for the circle of connection. That is where I believe we are meant to dwell.
We have been conditioned through our upbringing and our environment to look for who and what is "wrong" with the world.
What if we shifted our perspective to looking for what's right with the world?
I believe that what you focus upon expands.
What if by looking for what's right makes us notice more of what's right?
Let's plant the seed of The OVL Project together. Today, begin by writing in your gratitude journal 5 things or experiences that you are grateful for, why you are grateful for it and how it makes you feel. Choose the same time of day to write in your journal, schedule it and stick to it.
The second thing to do daily is to send out a Thank You card a day to someone that you feel compelled to say thank you to. Like your gratitude journal, be specific: Tell your recipient what you are grateful for, why you are grateful and how it makes you feel.
These are daily practices to commit to everyday for 21 days in order to set a habit of heartfelt gratitude.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of the OVL Project.
Together, we are making a difference in the world.
Enjoy your new practice,
Posted by Francine Landry at 18:28 0 comments